Please Join us May 10, 2014 8:30 AM for the The FFA Bunny Hop 5k. Sponsored By the Hanford Agriculture Department
Prizes will be given for the top 3 runners overall and top 3 in each Age Divisions: 0 - 18, 19 - 23, 24 - 30, 31 - 37, 38 - 44, 45 - 51, 52 - 58, 59 - 65, 66 - 100
For questions or comments contact the race director Tom Sowers at: (559)-381-0906
or Amanda Shoffner at: 559-586-5912 (ext.2305)
Day of Registration:7:30-8:00 am
Race Starts at 8:30am
Price: Pre-registration $25.00
Day of Registration $40.00
Register on line at:
Checks and Race Entries can also be mailed to
Amanda Shoffner
Agriculture Science Teacher
Sierra Pacific High School
1259 North 13th Ave
Hanford, Ca. 93230
T-Shirts to the first 200 Registering
Awards will be given o the top three overall and the top three male and female in each age division
Food: Light Breakfast will be provided after the race to all who participated. Hamburgers and water will also be for sale.
Location of Race: Sierra Pacific High School
Race Course: Grass, Dirt and Road Surface (Strollers Not Recommended)
Timing: Chip Timing will be used